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Sugar Glider Milk Replacer + High Protein Supplement

Sugar Glider Milk Replacer + High Protein Supplement

小動物口碑組 現省$110

► 符合有袋動物特有的母乳成分
► 添加多種維生素、礦物質和Omega 3 & 6
► 高品質乳清蛋白幫助提升免疫力

► 極佳鈣磷比例1.44:1
► 非基因改純大豆分離蛋白,提升蛋白質攝取量
► 提高維生素、礦物質、重要脂肪酸的營養價值

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Sugar Glider Milk Replacer

•Designated by Australia Zoo, Wildlife Conservation Agency and Endangered Species Conservation to use

•Australia vets recommended, nearest formula to sugar glider breast milk

•Provide the same protein, fat, and carbohydrates content as breast milk

•Low lactose and non-diarrhea formula makes it easier to digest and absorb, ensuring a healthy development and growth of the sugar glider.

•High quality whey protein with with immunoglobulin

Blue Bay Sugar Glider Milk Replacer provides the balanced nutrition ratio, nearest to breast milk structuure. Easy to absorb and smaller chances of getting diarrhea! Specially designed for marsupials, with enough protein, increase the reproduction rate. According to the AAFCO standard.

The world’s only milk replacer developed for sugar gliders and marsupials (like quokka). You may feed it to joeys without their mother or those that didn't receive enough nutrients from breast milk. You may use it when the glider needs immediate nutrients.

Designated by Taipei Zoo, Australia Zoo, Wildlife Conservation Agency and Endangered Species Conservation to use
Exclusive Professional Formula

▲The special formula to match the breast milk structure of marsupial, also added varieties of vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids (Omega-3 & 6)

▲Enhance fat content- after joeys are out from the pouch (around 50 days after birth), the fat content of breast milk changes, the calories will increase at least twice of birth, to match the growing joeys

▲Low Lactose Formula - Reduces the chance of diarrhea, improves the digestibility of joeys and increases growth rate.

▲Isolated whey protein - high-quality whey protein is rich in immunoglobulins and an appropriate amount of taurine and other nutrients to help improve immunity

Directions for Preparation and Use:

You may use the spoon provided (approx 3g) as the measuring material. Add about 3 times of warm water (approx 36℃) to the mix,ratio is 1:3. Mix or shake completely before feeding


  1. Do not use hot water to brew, it may cause nutrients to be lost.
  2. After mixing completely, it's normal for the surface to have a little floating milk skin.

Feeding Instruction:

Baby Stage (after leaving the pouch)

First Week- Feed every 1~2 hours

Second Week- Feed every 2~3 hours

Firth Week- Feed every 4~6 hours

Small Joeys

From the 100th day of birth (weigh at 55g or 50 days after leaving the pouch), the suggested growing rate is at 2g per day, feeding amount may vary depending on the other food intake.


When joey has completely left the pouch, weaning until it’s solid food, it should be done slowly. 

Once weaned, you may add Blue Bay High Protein Supplements into the food, to supply a balanced nutrition.

Nutritional Analysis






Taurine/L of milk........................150mg

Calories/L of milk.......................1360kcal

Passed SGS Tests

Free of Melamine

Free of Salmonella

Free of Aflatoxin

High Protein Supplement

  • Designated by Sugar Glider HPW recipe to use
  • Whey Protein & Soy Protein (Non-GMO)
  • Best calcium & phosphorus ratio of 1.44: 1
  • Supply the Vitamins, Minerals, and Essestial Fatty Acids
  • Low iron formula to avoid hemosiderosis (ISD)
This product is to help carers and pet owners with fruit and nectar eating animals to increase their protein intake. The protein source is from non-GMO soy protein and high purity whey protein, both of the proteins are high quality, with multivitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids to give the best calcium and phosphorus ratio. Highly palatable and nutritious, it helps sugar gliders maintain a good metabolism and health.

Feeding Instructions

Possums and Sugar Glider:

•Fruit eating animals: we suggest giving 2 teaspoons (10g) of High Protein Supplement for every 100g of fruit.

•Biscuit/Bread Crumbs eating animals: we suggest giving 10g of High Protein Supplement (25% w/v) for every 25g of biscuit. 

You may give 20% of Blue Bay Sugar Glider Milk Replacer to supply additional vitamins and minerals.

Herbivores: For some animals fruits are the main source of food, but having enough protein is importent! We suggest giving 2 teaspoons (10g) of HSP™ to every 100g of fruit, for a better growth foundation.

Flying Foxes: Single Healthy Adult, you may give 2 teaspoons (10g) of HSP™ to every 300g of fresh sliced apple. 

Pregnant/ Lactacting/ Young: Feed 4 teaspoons of HSP™ for every 300g of freshly sliced apple.

Other Uses: This HPS™ can be the alternate product of high protein cereal in the market. This Protein Supplement is in premium quality and highly concentrated, a good nutrition source for your fruit and nectar eating pets.

In this guidline, you will know how to use Blue Bay High Protein Supplement (HPS) to supply enough protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals.

You may check the food ratio at the back on the table. (We do not suggest to feed other supplements or high calories food, unless you have consult the usage of it)

Nutritional Analysis





Energy………………………6.3 MJ/kg

Passed SGS Tests

Free of Melamine

Free of Aflatoxin

This feeding instruction is based on a 130g adult animal, daily needs, and calories needed (133KJ-around 27kcal), to cauculate their daily activity and energy needed.

Shipping & Payment

Delivery Options

  • COD (Cash on Delivery)
  • 7-11 In-Store Pickup (e-map)
  • 7-11 Cash on Delivery (e-map)
  • FamilyFart Store Pickup (e-map)
  • FamilyFart Store Pickup (e-map)
  • 偏遠地區 ( 每週三出貨 )
  • Surrounding Islands

Payment Options

  • Credit Card
  • LINE Pay
  • Apple Pay
  • ATM Virtual account (Pay at ATM or web bank by virtual account)
  • Cash on Delivery
  • 全家超商取貨付款
  • 7-11超商取貨付款
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